• What can I expect on my distance learning course?

    We provide clearly laid out and professionally produced materials that will enable you to acquire all the knowledge you need to successfully complete the course. These multi-media materials will guide you through each module, with the ability to start discussions with your peers around the course subjects and integrated webinar support from your lecturers at strategic points offering you ongoing support throughout the course.

  • Do I need to attend any lectures?

    All our courses are self-study online distance learning courses which can be completed in your own time. No classroom attendance is required however some courses will have live webinars run by the course lecturers. There will be the option to watch these live or you can view a recording of the webinar in your own time.

  • Can I enrol on any of the courses?

    Some of our courses have prerequisite requirements. Please refer to the course information on the website to check whether you are eligible for the course before choosing the automatic enrollment option. If you are unsure whether you meet the prerequites for a course, please email the Frontier Distance Learning team.

  • What study support will students receive?

    You will receive support from experienced and CMI approved consultant practitioners and tutors including a 1 to 1 tutorial for each unit. All assignments will be supported by live webinars and extra support will be available via email and phone if required. Upon starting a course you will also become a student member of the CMI with access to CMI and Management Direct resources.

  • How are the CMI courses assessed?

    All CMI courses are assessed by assignments which are sent off to the Chartered Management Institute for marking. Assignment details and deadlines will be delivered throughout each course.

  • Can I do a CMI top-up with Frontier Distance Learning?

    Yes. If you have studied with another organisation, and now want to do a top-up with us, please email the Frontier Distance Learning team.

  • How do I register with CMI at the start of the course?

    The Frontier Distance Learning team will register you with CMI when you enrol on a CMI assessed course. Your login details for the CMI ManagementDirect portal will be sent to you in a separate email.

  • What are my payment options?

    You can purchase each course separately or choose to purchase one of our course bundles. Payment options include a one-off payment at that start of the course or monthly installments via Stripe.

  • Are fees refundable?

    Please see our Terms and Conditions.

  • What are the course qualification equivalents in academic terms?

    Qualification Level Equivalent Academic Level Management Level
    Level 4 Undergraduate Degree Junior Managers
    Level 5 Undergraduate Degree Operational / Middle / Senior Managers
    Level 6 Graduate Degree Senior Managers
    Level 7 Postgraduate Degree Strategic Managers

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